
Welcome to my website, JonnyBrick.com!

It’s a chance for me to show my work in one handy place. You can leap to another site from here, be it my collection of essays on pop music from 1984 to today at nowthatswhaticallnow.com or my country music criticism at countrywol.com.

You might want to fill your ears with podcasts about Watford FC, in which case you should proceed to Ronny and Ramage. If you want something more musical, there’s a host of originals and covers here.

If you are moved to commission me for your blog or publication, do not hesitate to send an email to jonny_brick@yahoo.co.uk, or slide into the direct messages section of Twitter.

The blog seeks to embellish the content on the website, as I update readers of my latest projects.

Happy reading!

Jonny Brick